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lundi 20 mai 2013
dimanche 12 mai 2013
The beginning of the universe, for beginners
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-beginni...
How did the universe begin -- and how is it expanding? CERN physicist Tom Whyntie shows how cosmologists and particle physicists explore these questions by replicating the heat, energy, and activity of the first few seconds of our universe, from right after the Big Bang.
Lesson by Tom Whyntie, animation by Hornet Inc.
How did the universe begin -- and how is it expanding? CERN physicist Tom Whyntie shows how cosmologists and particle physicists explore these questions by replicating the heat, energy, and activity of the first few seconds of our universe, from right after the Big Bang.
Lesson by Tom Whyntie, animation by Hornet Inc.
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